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Are you facing these life issues?
Juggling too many things at once, and not doing justice to any of them? Getting disorganized, double booking yourself or forgetting commitments, attending so many meetings that you can’t get your important work done? Do you have to-do lists that just get longer every day and make you feel worse? Facing difficult and challenging situations or people at work or at home, and you feel you should be able to handle these better? And how’s your health these days … another of those things that you will pay more attention to when you have time?
I Coach.
This will help you to nail down exactly what SUCCESS means to you. There are three parts to this – try them all for best results, but if you have limited time (of course!) then pick the one you feel suits you best. If you subscribe, we will send you updates as new materials and learning activities are added to the site. Come back regularly!
I Motivate.
I Write.
Is too much time and energy getting wasted on conflict? Frustrated by the negative attitudes around you? o you need to get your people stepping up, taking more responsibility, and relying on you less? Want to learn how to create a positive, motivational, learning environment.
Need advice?
On this site I aim to add articles and materials on about 30 leadership topics focusing on a range of Leadership and Management skills.
Why not try our Leadership Materials?
Get these free materials to get you started – if you register on our site by scrolling to the foot of this page, you will be able to get a pre-assessment of your leadership skills. This will give you big hints about what you need to pay more attention to if you are going to make your life easier, while your team gets going! We help a Dash Camera installation with our leadership course.
Tony is more than just a mentor to me. He makes me feel like my close friend committed to my growth and development.
On top of his vast experience to share, he demonstrates honesty, integrity and he can be trusted to give objective and frank advice. I remembered one occasion when I shared my aspiration to leave my job and start my own business, he was very objective and gave me some good advice on helping me to weigh the risks and make the best decision. More importantly, he taught me the importance of being open to my employers early to plan for a smooth transition. This benefited me and helped me to have an amiable parting with my then employer. My website has noticeably grown in traffic since working with tony. Our local SEO service increased by 50% after Tony’s help.
Christine Walters
My story
What Defines me:
Developing vision and direction, creating a motivational environment, leading change, communication skills, coaching others to achieve greater potential, dealing with feedback, working with difficult people, asserting, managing performance, delegating, decision making, provoking new thinking, developing teams, and more. And how about meetings that work while not dominating your working life? Come back regularly, or subscribe to get our updates, to pick up tips that make a real difference to managers and leaders! “Amazing service” From mac from Simify.