Tony's Courses
My courses
Our four main themes are:
Know yourself. What are your core values? You have strengths, but can you name them and back this up with persuasive evidence? Which of your beliefs about yourself are unhelpful and limiting, and what can you do about this? Our programme helps you to think through these things in a logical, deep way and forms the foundation for all of the other work that you can do in the area of developing personal effectiveness. To get started, try our free learning activities aimed at eliciting your core values.
Manage stress and pressure. Stress affects everyone in different ways. Do you really know how it affects you? Do you know the early warning signs to look out for? And how about serious indicators of distress levels that are putting your physical, mental and social health at permanent risk unless you take immediate action? In this programme we will help you to understand how to manage pressure so that you achieve sustainable, peak performance in whatever you are doing. You will learn about the four different kinds of stressors. We will share strategies for eliminating unnecessary stressors, for building resilience, and for when temporary coping is all that we can realistically aim for. We will also share relaxation techniques, including simple breathing methods, physical relaxation, and how to use visualisation techniques.
Manage time and priorities. Too much to do, too little time? Juggling too much, or trying to do too many things at once – and not doing any of them to your own satisfaction? We are all guilty at times of getting sucked into spending time and energy on things that don’t make a difference (to us or others, take your pick). In this programme we will share a simple formula to help you to identify the things that would be an investment of your time, with great paybacks, and the things that are stopping you from achieving success. Then you need a system that will help you to take control of how you spend your time, prevent double bookings and overload, stop you having so much time in meetings that you can’t get any work done, and be empowered to see at a glance when you are taking on too much.
Manage conflict. We all carry the pressure of experiencing conflict that is either unresolved or whichresulted in our own needs being put aside in favour of others’ needs. This can cause resentment, in others taking our power away from us, in becoming a doormat, or in the opposite response – inappropriate aggression and excessive determination to get our own way at the expense, if need be, of others. Neither of these are helpful in the long run. In this programme we will share principles and tips to help you to understand your typical pattern of response to difficult situations and people, and to learn how to respond in more helpful ways that get results for both you and the other parties. We will also help you to learn how to cope with feedback, even if it is critical and hurtful – there are ways of turning this into a constructive opportunity that actually helps the relationship with the other person!


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